Preoperative localization of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer patients by silver wire insertion or liquid charcoal injection guided by CT lymphography
Dual localization of SLN in breast cancer patients using isotope & dye is the best-approved modality with limitations in developing countries. We investigated a novel technique for SLN localization using silver wire insertion or liquid charcoal injection guided by CT lymphography.
Psychiatric morbidity among Egyptian breast cancer patients and their partners and its impact on surgical decision-making
Psychiatric morbidities, especially cases of anxiety and depression, are prevalent among breast cancer patients and their partners.
Ultrasound-Guided Erector Spinae Plane Block Compared to Modified Pectoral Plane Block for Modified Radical Mastectomy Operations
Modified radical mastectomy (MRM) is the most common surgery for cancer breast that is associated with marked postoperative pain. Effective control of this pain suppresses the surgical stress response This study compared the erector spinae plane (ESP) block and the pectoral plane (PECS) block
Diffusion tensor imaging parameters in differentiation recurrent breast cancer from post-operative changes in patients with breast-conserving surgery
Aim of the work
To investigate mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) measured by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) as complementary tools to differentiate recurrent breast cancer from post-operative changes in patients with breast-conserving surgery